Latest Articles in Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Neurosciences


Stroke Following Attempted Suicide

Original Article
Mauro Silva, et. al.
Published on 17.04.2024
Mauro Silva<sup>a</sup>
Strokes following a suicide attempt are rare and seem to affect younger patients presenting with more severe strokes and higher medium-term mortality. While carotid dissection emerged as the predominant cause, several other stroke mechanisms have been identified.
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Philippe Pfeifer, et. al.
Published on 17.04.2024
Philippe Pfeifer

Gemäss einer Schätzung der Schweizerischen Vereinigung Psychiatrischer Chefärztinnen und Chefärzte (SVPC) und niedergelassener Psychiater:innen läuft die Schweiz Gefahr, ab etwa dem Jahr 2030 substantiell zu wenig in der Praxis niedergelassene Psychiater:innen zu haben. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu internationalen Trends, die ein zunehmendes Interesse von Kandidat:innen am Fach Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie verzeichnen.

Andreas Steck
Published on 17.04.2024
Andreas Steck

Autoimmune encephalitis (AE) is the most common form of encephalitis of noninfectious etiology and is caused by autoantibodies targeting different neural epitopes. AE classically presents as a syndrome of rapidly progressive encephalopathy with memory deficits, altered mental status and/or psychiatric symptoms.

Published on 17.04.2024

Ma maman, une suissesse, issue de la bourgeoisie, était fille unique. Dynamique, généreuse, solaire, elle occupait un poste de laborantine dans un centre médical. Lorsqu’elle rencontra mon père, originaire d’une petite ville en Espagne, il était charmant et gentil. Il travaillait comme aide-maçon en Suisse romande. Séduite, ma maman avait eu le coup de foudre pour mon père et bien qu’elle fût déjà fiancée avec un autre jeune homme, elle le quitta...


Biais liés au genre chez les étudiant·e·s dans leur évaluation des troubles psychiques

Original Article
Stéphanie Romanens-Pythoud, et. al.
Published on 10.04.2024
Stéphanie Romanens-Pythoud

Mental health problems affect men and women differently and women have a higher prevalence of mental health issues than men. Overall, women are two to three times more likely to be affected than men. Scientific literature tends to confirm that gender bias among professionals plays a certain role in mental health diagnosis. The aim of this study is to find out whether these biases already exist prior to professional practice by investigating the presence of gender biases in psychology and medical students.


Evaluation der Bestimmungen zur fürsorgerischen Unterbringung in der Schweiz

Original Article
Matthias Jäger, et. al.
Published on 10.04.2024
Matthias Jäger

The presented article summarizes the topics and recommendations of a large-scale mixed-methods study on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Justice. The mandate was to evaluate the implementation of involuntary admission (Fürsorgerische Unterbringung, FU) and coercion as well as measures to promote patients’ autonomy in Switzerland to assess a possible need for revision of the legal articles on the regulation of coercion.


Exploring the Evolving Sociocultural Frameworks of Substance Use

Alexander Smith, et. al.
Published on 10.04.2024
Alexander Smith

In the Age of Enlightenment, the availability of chocolate was expanding across European societies, eliciting criticism and even moral panic reminiscent of coffee and tobacco. These dialogues encompassed religious ideologies with divergent Protestant and Catholic standpoints on whether drinking chocolate was permissible during fast. Further, certain physicians highlighted negative health outcomes from the stimulant properties of chocolate.

The evolving attitude towards chocolate resemble the alternating societal trajectories of other substances. For example, alcohol has been consumed for different purposes throughout history but its moral, social and health perceptions have fluctuated.

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